What is Medical Payments Coverage? 

February 5, 2021

Last Updated: January 10, 2025

Medical payments coverage, or MedPay, can pay for a portion of the treatment from injuries you or your passengers suffer in a car accident, no matter who caused the crash. It can also pay the medical bills if you or one of your family members is hit by a car while on foot or riding in someone else’s vehicle.  

MedPay has many of the same benefits as your health insurance. But if your health plan has gaps in coverage, low limits, or steep deductibles, MedPay makes a wise and generally affordable addition to your car insurance policy.   

What does MedPay cover? 

MedPay can cover: 

  • The treatment of your passengers injuries, which include medical, dental, surgical, etc.  
  • Treatment of injuries your or your loved ones sustain while riding with another driver.  
  • Ambulance fees. 
  • X-rays, prostheses, and nursing. 
  • Funeral costs following a fatal crash. 
  • Health insurance deductibles or copays.

MedPay does not cover: 

  • Necessary reimbursements for missed wages due to missed work.  
  • Childcare costs if your accident injuries limit you.  
  • Treatment for injuries to others who may be involved in the collision. (Liability insurance has this benefit.) 
  • Treatment of injuries or health problems unrelated to a car accident.

Who needs MedPay? 

While MedPay is optional for most, it may be in the driver’s best interest to have it. Think of MedPay as a safety net for when you exceed your health plan’s limits or receive charges that may not be covered. These can be things such as ambulance rides and x-rays. MedPay is also a great resource to help cover health insurance deductibles or copays that accrue for car accident treatments. Another great reason to have MedPay is if you tend to have many passengers that are not members of your family. MedPay can pertain to anyone in the vehicle at the time of the accident.  

Our team of personal injury attorneys can help you get the compensation you deserve. We know just how life-altering an auto accident can be, whether it was your fault or not. You should not have to continue the process of your auto accident alone. Schedule an appointment with one of our experienced car accident attorneys today. 


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