
  • West Virginia Auto Repair Laws

    West Virginia Auto Repair Laws

    In most situations, the relationship between an individual and their mechanic is lopsided. What we mean by this is that the mechanics know far more about vehicles and vehicle repair than individuals needing the repair. You might be worried about a repair shop taking advantage of you and cheating you out of your money. However,

  • Can Dash Cam Footage Be Used in Court?

    Vehicle dash cams are becoming much more popular, to the point where many auto manufacturers offer the option of installing front and rear cameras in new vehicles. These cameras and the footage they capture can play a vital role when it comes to determining liability for a vehicle accident. Here, we want to discuss whether

  • What is Remittitur?

    Remittitur is a legal process that allows for excessive damage awards or jury verdicts to be lessened. This is different from additur, the process where the total amount of damage awarded can be increased. The key word in remittitur is “remit,” as in “giving back.” here, we want to examine the goal of remittitur and

  • What is Additur?

    Additur is a little-known yet powerful court process that could help increase the total amount of damages already awarded by a jury. Here, we want to delve further in-depth into what “additur” actually is, but we encourage you to speak to your personal injury lawyer about whether or not this could occur in your case.

  • West Virginia Subrogation Laws

    West Virginia Subrogation Laws

    When you sustain an injury caused by someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to recover compensation through an insurance settlement or personal injury lawsuit. However, other parties, such as insurance carriers or medical agencies, might cover your medical bills while your claim is ongoing. These entities often have the right to recover the money

  • What is Mandatory Liability Insurance Coverage?

    You probably already know that every vehicle is required to have insurance coverage in West Virginia. However, do you know what types of insurance are required? If you are new to shopping around for insurance coverages for a vehicle, then you are going to see plenty of terms you may not quite understand. One of

  • What is Medical Malpractice “Tail” Coverage?

    If a person sustains an injury or illness caused by the negligent actions of a medical provider, they may be able to recover compensation for their losses. As with most other types of lawsuits, insurance carriers and the coverage they provide will play a major role in a medical malpractice case. However, what happens if

  • Do I Need an Attorney for a Minor Car Accident?

    Vehicle accidents occur regularly in West Virginia. In many cases, these accidents lead to severe injuries for those involved. However, there are times when minor car accidents occur, leaving drivers wondering whether or not they should even bother reporting the incident, much less contact a car accident attorney. However, minor car accidents can lead to

  • West Virginia Crosswalk Laws

    It is crucial for everyone in West Virginia to understand crosswalk laws and other laws related to pedestrian safety. Pedestrians are incredibly vulnerable when they are in or around the roadway. The human body is not designed to withstand an impact from a vehicle that weighs thousands of pounds moving at any rate of speed.

  • West Virginia Lemon Law

    Anytime a person purchases a vehicle in West Virginia, they expect it to work as advertised. However, there are times when new vehicles have defects that cannot be fixed. When this occurs, consumers may qualify for various types of compensation under the West Virginia Lemon Law. Here, we want to discuss how the West Virginia