How to Handle Car Accidents Involving Public Transportation in West Virginia

September 19, 2024

Last Updated: September 24, 2024

Car Accidents Involving Public Transportation

Car accidents involving public transportation in West Virginia can be complex and overwhelming. At Manchin Ferreti Injury Law, we understand the challenges victims face in these situations. This guide aims to help you navigate the legal landscape and protect your rights if you’re ever involved in such an incident.

Public transportation accidents aren’t like regular car crashes. They’re different because more people might be involved, and there are special rules for public buses and trains. Whether you are riding the bus, walking nearby, or driving your car, you must know what to do. Understanding how to handle these crashes is essential. It helps keep you safe and protects your rights.

Coming up, we’ll guide you through what to do if you’re in an accident. We’ll start with the steps to take right after it happens. Then, we’ll explain why bus or train crashes in West Virginia differ from regular car accidents. We’ll also talk about who might be responsible for the crash. Lastly, we’ll show you how to get money for your injuries and damaged items. We’ll keep it simple and walk you through each part.

Immediate Steps After the Accident

Here are the steps you should take immediately after the accident:

  • Ensure Safety: Your well-being comes first. If possible, move to a safe area away from traffic. Check yourself and others for injuries.
  • Call for help: Dial 911 to summon police and ambulances. The police report will be crucial later.
  • Take photos: Use your phone to take pictures of everything—the crash, damage, and injuries. Get contact info from anyone who saw it happen.
  • Seek Medical Attention: Even if you feel fine, get checked by a medical professional. Some injuries may not be immediately apparent.
  • Report the Incident: Notify the public transportation authority about the accident. Most have specific procedures for reporting incidents.
  • Watch what you say: Be careful talking to people at the crash. Please don’t say it was your fault or anything that might make you look bad later.
  • Contact Manchin Ferreti Injury Law: Contact us as soon as possible. We can guide you through the next steps and protect your rights.

Understanding Public Transportation Accidents in West Virginia

Public transportation in West Virginia includes city buses, school buses, and other government-operated vehicles. Because government entities are involved in accidents, they fall under specific legal categories.

Key points to understand:

  • Government Immunity: In West Virginia, government entities have limited immunity from lawsuits. However, exceptions exist, especially in cases of negligence.
  • Shorter Deadlines: The statute of limitations for filing claims against government entities is often shorter than for private parties. In West Virginia, you typically have two years to file a personal injury lawsuit, but notice of a claim against a government entity must be filed within 180 days.
  • Common Carriers: Bus and train companies must be extra careful. The law requires them to be safer than regular drivers. We call this a “common carrier.”
  • Multiple Parties: These accidents often involve multiple parties, including the transit authority, vehicle manufacturers, maintenance companies, and other drivers.

Liability in Public Transportation Accidents

Figuring out who’s to blame in bus or train crashes can be tricky. Potentially liable parties include:

  • The Transit Authority: If the accident resulted from driver error, inadequate training, or poor vehicle maintenance.
  • Other Drivers: If another vehicle caused or contributed to the accident.
  • Vehicle Manufacturers: In cases of mechanical failures or defective parts.
  • Maintenance Companies: If improper maintenance contributed to the accident.
  • City or State: They’re in charge of making and fixing roads.

At Manchin Ferreti Injury Law, we investigate to determine who’s responsible and look at everyone who might be to blame. This helps us build a strong case for you.

Liability in Public Transportation Accidents

Navigating Insurance Claims

Dealing with insurance companies after a public transportation accident can be challenging. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Multiple Insurers: You may need to deal with the transit authority’s insurance, your insurance, and possibly other drivers’ insurance companies.
  • Limited Coverage: Government entities may have lower-liter insurance policies than private companies.
  • Insurance Tactics: Be wary of quick settlement offers. Insurance companies often try to minimize payouts.
  • Legal Representation: Having a tough lawyer from Manchin Ferreti on your side can help you stand up to big insurance companies.

What You Can Get Paid For

If you’re hurt in a public transit crash, you might get money for:

  • Medical Costs: To cover your doctor visits now and later.
  • Missed Work: Money for the time you couldn’t work and might not be able to in the future.
  • Pain and Upset: How much the accident hurt you, body and mind.
  • Damaged Things: To fix or buy new stuff that broke in the crash.
  • Loss of Enjoyment of Life: You can no longer participate in activities due to your injuries.

The claims process typically involves:

  • Investigation: Gathering evidence, including police reports, witness statements, and expert testimonies.
  • Documentation: Compiling medical records, bills, and proof of lost wages.
  • Demand Letter: Sending a formal demand for compensation to the responsible parties.
  • Talking it out: We go back and forth with insurance companies to get you a fair deal.
  • Litigation: We may recommend filing a lawsuit if a fair settlement can’t be reached.

Legal Considerations in West Virginia

In West Virginia, the law works like this: If you’re in an accident, you can still get money even if you’re partly to blame. But here’s the catch – you can’t be more than half at fault. If you are less than half to blame, you’ll get paid, but they’ll cut your payment by how much it was your fault. So if you were 30% at fault, they’d lower your payment by 30%.

Act quickly is crucial due to the state’s statute of limitations and notice requirements for claims against government entities. You must meet these deadlines to ensure you retain your right to compensation.

Legal Considerations in West Virginia

How Manchin Ferreti Injury Law Can Help

Figuring out what to do after a public transportation accident can be challenging. At Manchin Ferreti Injury Law, we support you every step of the way. Our experienced team can:

  • Investigate the accident thoroughly to determine liability.
  • We’ll handle all the phone calls and paperwork from insurance companies and others.
  • Ensure you receive proper medical care and documentation of your injuries.
  • Calculate the full extent of your damages, including future costs.
  • We’ll fight hard to get you a good deal.
  • We’ll stand up for you in court to protect what’s yours if needed.


Car accidents involving public transportation in West Virginia present unique challenges, but you don’t have to face them alone. Act quickly after the crash. Find a good lawyer to help you. This way, you can heal without worry. We’ll deal with the tough stuff while you get better. It’s all about looking out for you and ensuring you’re treated fairly.

At Manchin Ferreti Injury Law, we dedicate ourselves to guiding accident victims through the intricacies of these cases, ensuring they receive fair compensation. Have you or a family member been caught in a public transit accident? Reach out to our team for a no-cost initial discussion. During these challenging moments, put our years of expertise and unwavering commitment to work for your benefit.


  • West Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV): The DMV offers resources on how to report accidents, including those involving public transportation, and provides information on insurance requirements in West Virginia. Visit the DMV site.
  • National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA): The NHTSA provides information on safety regulations for public transportation and resources for handling accidents involving buses and other public vehicles. Visit the NHTSA site.


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