Manchin Ferretti

Spring Weather Can Be Unpredictable

Each season comes with its own set of driving hazards. While winter weather conditions are the most frequently addressed, spring also presents a number of safety hazards that could prevent you from arriving at your destination safely or could cause a collision on the roadway. Some of the most common dangers of spring driving include

Playground Safety

With warmer weather ahead, more people are preparing for outdoor activities. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, more than 200,000 children visit hospital emergency rooms each year due to playground injuries – many of which can be prevented. Use these tips, provided by the National Safety Council, to ensure your children a safe

What is my Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Worth?

As a society, we depend on medical professionals to keep us healthy. They help us through emergencies, treat chronic illnesses, and help prevent us from getting sick. However, there are times when medical professionals make mistakes and cause significant patient harm. It is vital that victims of medical malpractice recover compensation when they are harmed

What is Medical Malpractice?

Medical malpractice occurs when a hospital, doctor, or other health care professional, through a negligent act or omission, causes an injury to a patient. The negligence might be the result of errors in diagnosis, treatment, aftercare, or health management. To be considered medical malpractice under the law, the claim must have the following characteristics: A violation

Four Most Common Types of Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice occurs when a doctor harms a patient by failing to perform their medical duties properly. Medical malpractice claims must be proven and have basic requirements. There must have been a doctor-patient relationship, meaning the doctor was hired and agreed to be hired. The doctor had to be negligent in the diagnosis or treatment of

What Damages can be Recovered in Bad Faith Case?

Anytime an insurance company wrongfully denies a claim, they are acting in bad faith. The insurance policy between the insurance company and the insured is considered a contract that requires the company to act in good faith. Insurance companies often try to deny a claim for any reason they can or underpay for a claim. The

What is Medical Payments Coverage? 

Medical payments coverage, or MedPay, can pay for a portion of the treatment from injuries you or your passengers suffer in a car accident, no matter who caused the crash. It can also pay the medical bills if you or one of your family members is hit by a car while on foot or riding

5 Tips for Riding Your Motorcycle in the Winter

It’s no surprise that the weather in West Virginia can be very unpredictable in the upcoming months. West Virginians can start the day with sunshine, rain at lunch, and by the time you are heading home from work, there are already a couple of inches of snow on the ground. If you plan on riding

Sharing The Road With Motorcycles

Motorcyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as any other driver on the road. However, because motorcyclists can be more difficult to see, it is important to take precautions to look out for motorcycles when driving. This is particularly important as motorcycles are less visible and less stable than cars, so when an accident happens,